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creative attitude - the tools and strategies for creative action in NLP Joseph Maciuszek first Introduction - understanding of creativity.
subject of this paper is to present some creative strategies developed, inter alia, on the basis of discipline known as NLP (Programming Nerolingwistyczne). First, introduce most commonly accepted understanding of the work, including its three aspects and the criteria for recognition of what is creative. Remains an important category of creative thinking and the concept of creativity, which I discuss in the context of solving problems and paying attention to the role of creative thinking in management. The main focus of this paper is to describe the strategy developed in the NLP creativity, whose essence consists in the creation of choice by the changes in the modes of perception
concept of creativity is sometimes the most recognized in three dimensions, referring to the firstly, to the creations of human tangible and intangible, that is, the characteristics of works, secondly, the characteristics of the manufacturing process of these works (eg, the thought process leading to the original idea), thirdly, the characteristics of the person (eg the so-called. creative personality).
question arises as to what we considered to be creative, what are the criteria for what is creative. Frequently, the answer lies in emphasizing that creativity is what is new (original) and valuable (valuable), or socially useful. These criteria can be directly applied to items which we consider as creative, if the feature is a conjunction of these two characteristics: novelty and value. Accordingly, a valuable but not new creations and new creations but do not we include the value of creative (Neck, 2001).
Referring to the work process, we ask about the creative process leading to the emergence of new and valuable (useful) solutions or ideas. Creative personality concerns a man who easily or often creates new, valuable work and ideas (cf. Nęcka, 1994). In the context of the problems of man's creative or artistic personality so we're talking about. creative talent. AJ Tannenbaum (1984) creative talent associated with the interaction of five factors. These include: 1 outstanding general ability (level of intelligence), 2 special abilities (gifts), 3 non-intellectual property rights (personality characteristics, motivation for action, physical fitness, mental health), 4 environmental factor, 5 random factor. Attached to these factors, yet creative thinking. Nęcka Z. (1994), in turn, draws attention to three aspects of the creative talent: the ability (cognitive aspect of creative talent), themes, and skills (eg specific skills related to the field, with a workshop artist, and knowledge about the techniques of creative thinking). Research on the creative aspects of entrepreneurship have provided results, which show that these personality variables, such as a strong ego, self-realization and internal handling play an important role in the structure of creative personality of entrepreneurs (cf. Strzalecki, Cat, 2000).
As will be further examined the strategies and techniques for creative thinking, then let's focus on its relationship to the category of creativity. Researchers distinguish creativity from thinking creative. Creativity, as noted above, the activity of procuring a new (unknown), and socially valuable creations - the indicator is the originality of the contribution of the individual to a particular category of human values \u200b\u200b(cf. Strelau, 1987). However, creative thinking is expressed in the generation of ideas and creativity is seen as characteristic of an individual involving the ability to produce new ideas and concepts.
What is the mechanism of creative thinking? It seems that the duty is shot Wertheimer (1945) that creative thinking involves the breakdown and change the structure of our knowledge of phenomena in order to obtain a fresh look at its essence, about a way to organize their thoughts, which leads to a different understanding of the situation (see also: Proctor, 1998).
second Solve problems as a field of creative thinking and its role in the management of
role of creative thinking is revealed especially in the problematic situation. This problem happens when the ownership, resource skills do not allow the unit to achieve the intended purpose. A difficulty is to invent, discover or to create effective ways for its implementation.
to this determination should add a few clarifying comments. First, the concept of the problem is relative to the entity - whether in general we are dealing with the problem and what is its degree of difficulty depends on the individual. The same situation is for one man, a serious problem for another may be an easy task. And above all, as suggested by Fraisse and Piaget (1967), we can speak about the problem only if a solution is possible, taking into account the resources of the entity. For the illiterate, or children in preschool will not be a problem equation of the second degree. Similarly we say about someone who is pre- doomed to failure, from which it depends in the slightest the end result that is facing the problem.
Secondly, before we solve the problem, we need to discover or be aware of its existence, and this may be harder than finding a solution. "The timing problems are detected - by E. Nęcka - sometimes najdonioślejszym fragment of the creative process of thinking" (1994: 30).
Thirdly, the solution is achieved by means of intellectual and requires the use of creative thinking. This does not mean the situation of the problem situation to deal with something on the basis of habitual activity automatically acquired and efficiency.
We live in a world of constant change that constitute the essence of modern civilization. This applies particularly to business, where there is a need to adapt to rapid technological changes, economic, cultural. Increased competition, the emergence of new challenges, forcing changes involving the improvement of existing services, products, discovering new and better ways of solving problems. The need for change may include organizational issues (eg, work organization, changes in corporate structure) and the technical and technological.
In the context of management of change occurs, the role of creative thinking. It is related, among others to solving organizational problems, the introduction of innovative solutions, setting out a strategy of company activities, "affects almost all aspects of decision-making throughout the organization" (Proctor, 1998: 5) As noted by Proctor (ibid.), there is a direct link between creative thinking and the effectiveness and efficiency organization.
third Strategies for creativity in NLP NLP
In terms of the concept of strategy is specific to organize their thoughts and behavior to resolve any task, they are giving to repeat the sequence of thought and action, invariably leading to a particular outcome.
NLP as a discipline engaged in discovering practical skills, patterns, techniques and strategies for achieving effectiveness in thinking, acting, the quality of life, expanding choices. Discipline is the essence of which is defined as the study of human excellence. The emergence of NLP involves the taking by R. Bandler and J. Grinder research strategies and techniques used by our therapists, capable of extraordinary results. Over time, the object of analysis have become outstanding individuals from various fields of activity - the creators of artistic, speakers, vendors, athletes, businessmen. The process of discovering the rules applied in the field by prominent individuals, their actions and thinking patterns is called modeling. Modeling refers to what a person does (behavior), as it does (mental strategies) and why it does (the beliefs and values).
3.1 Walt Disney creativity strategy
example of modeling processes carried out on the basis of NLP is to develop creative strategies by Dilts Walt Disney. He has applied the three approaches: 1 Finding Neverland 2. Realist, 3 Critic. The attitude of the dreamer was to free fantasias, seeking to answer the question, what would I do if it was not possible to suffer defeat. Realist's attitude involves the question of how ideas can be implemented, as they enter into force. The approach is to check criticism and evaluation plan, or something in it are not lacking. It is recommended to continue wandering around next to the items until they have achieved full compliance with the plan, each of them. Ideas are ready for implementation when the well in each of these items.
3.2 Strategies levels of neurological
Making changes, troubleshooting problems can occur at different levels. The world has a hierarchical structure, it can distinguish various levels - and at every level, we know the imaginary infinite number of hierarchies, classification, career structures. Bateson (1996) characterized by mental processes of their inalienable trait, which is a hierarchy of logical types and levels of hierarchy and meta-levels of hidden in the communication process.
grasp the phenomenon due to the different levels: for example, human life can be recognized at the atomic level, cellular, tissue, organ, at the level of the body, family, clan, city, country, continent, planet, space (cf. Nierenberg, 1996). Changes in our shot phenomenon, a problem when changing levels overview - for example, let us consider how each approach to the patient, the doctor focuses on the treatment of groups of cells, organ of the body, whole body, whole person (mind and body) etc. Ability to change
levels may be a way to creatively solve the problem for the effective implementation of changes. In NLP, we talk about three principles governing our actions, which make it difficult to make changes. First: we are inclined to repeat the action when we learn to do it, which leads to the formation of habits. Secondly, formed the habit is hard to break. Thirdly, to change the habit, you need to unlearn the old and at the same time learn a new habit. If you continually repeat the same thoughts, actions and feelings we get the same results. To receive a new, different results, we must change our thoughts, actions, strategies. Plasticity is particularly important in the context of management - it means that the manager does not stop at one solution, does not hold up well-known habitual ways of doing things, but it generates as many alternative solutions and options for action.
Robert Dilts (1991), based on the work of Bateson (1972), distinguishes the following levels, useful in the approach to learning, change, problem solving:
environment, or where? (That is, as we react, the environment, other people).
behavior, or what? (What actions are typical for us).
capabilities and skills, or how? (General skills and strategies used by us).
beliefs and values, that is, why? (Various ideas, opinions about which we think are true, and what we consider to be important).
identity, or who? (Basic understanding of ourselves, our vocation in life, the roles with which to identify.)
levels above model is useful in deciding on such organizational changes and personal. It is useful in finding solutions to problems. Consider how the entrepreneur can think about a problem and ask questions, having distinguished levels.
Environment: "how can I use changes in the labor market to lower labor costs? "
behavior:" what action to undertake next week? "
Skills:" I know that the creative thinking techniques used to generate ideas? "
beliefs and values \u200b\u200bof" employees in each level can be creative and work is as natural as play. "
Identity," I am a catalyst for change and the creator of man. "
above examples illustrate a constructive way of thinking about the problem. In fact, constructive and negative attitude may be interspersed distinguished from each other levels. When he meets you fail, you can shift responsibility to the environment, such as the effects of other people. You can focus on their behavior, analyzing what did you do. Therefore, you can challenge your skills and abilities in the field. Or gain the conviction that the way to change is hard work. This event can lead you to establish your identity in the category of being a victim of anonymous forces that can not be influenced.
Five of these levels affect each other. However, changes at a lower level does not always lead to changes at the tertiary level, while the change at that level always causes the effect at a lower level. The strongest is a change of identity - leads necessarily to changes in beliefs and values, and these affect the lower levels. Hence, the following advice O'Connor and Seymour: "So if you want to change the behavior, work with the possibilities and beliefs. If not possible, work with beliefs. Beliefs derive the opportunities that derive behavior that simply build our environment" (1996: 107). Of course, the changes at a higher level need also tend to be lower-level changes - such as not enough just to believe in their own abilities, his beliefs on this subject it is good to build on previously acquired skills.
We can move at different levels, and the inclusion of this helps to avoid various misunderstandings and conflicts. Many of them are the result of confusing levels, the most common forms of behavior should be treated as signs of identity - 'behaved stupidly, "equals" you're a fool. " This model also shows two types of conflicts in which we can complicate. The first type relates to the differences occurring at the same level - a simple example of the dilemma will be which of the two behaviors to choose. The second type of conflict is a situation where the conflict is revealed between the levels, such as our ability to be in conflict with our beliefs and values.
3.3 Strategies perceptual position
NLP has a complementary model that can be used together with a model of neurological levels. It is the concept of perceptual position, or so. description of the multi-dimensional, meaning the process of describing something or to assess the situation from many points of view. Look for each of us contains a white space is limited variety of "filters of perception" and the habitual way of receiving the world. Can we get out of its limited view of the world? The creators of NLP propose three ways of looking at our experience, calling it the first, second and third perceptual position:
first item - I look at the situation from his own point of view, the "center" of their reality, from the perspective of their own emotions, needs and interests. I think what is important to me and what I want to achieve.
second item - I ask how a situation is (or would) seen and felt by another person who is interacting with me, which meant that for her. What are the needs, interests, what is its reality. How odbierałaby my behavior trying to enter "into the skin," my partner.
third position - look at the world from the point of conduction outside observer, an independent, not personally entangled in the situation. "Agree, objective and creative look at their behavior, so as to be able to evaluate and provide a useful alternative in difficult situations" (O'Connor, Seymour, 1996: 102).
Because each of us has a specific, separate view of the world and understand what is happening, and the point of view of every single person is limited to receive her habitual way of the world, the filters of perception, it is gaining the ability to include different points of view, fighting for a limited view of the world. Changing the point of view expands our experience, overcome their individual limitations, lets see other available options, see the value of other people's point of view.
With such a problem in business, you can look for creative alternatives, looking from his own point of view, due to its situation and interests, but also by adopting the perspective of people with whom we interact: a partner, contractor, competitor, friend, or someone known or unknown, are not entangled in the problem. We see this as a problem from different perspectives. "Each of us happens in all three positions, we achieve them in a natural way and help us better understand a situation or purpose. The ability to move smoothly between them, conscious or unconscious, it is necessary to act with care and appreciate the wonderful complexity of our relationship. The differences that you see when you look at the world in various ways, are what gives it a richness and gives you a choice "(ibid.: 103).
Interesting combination gives the possibility of thinking at different levels of neurological from considering the three levels of perception. In seeking a solution of the problem and considering it to the next level, we can also move between the three perceptual positions (see the world in different ways), which multiplies the perceived wealth of possibilities.
3.4 Przeramowanie
Looking from different points of view on the problem involves also in the so-called NLP. reframe - that is changing the meaning of something by changing the framework in which to grasp something.
term framework refers specifically to social life. Goleman writes: "The Framework is a collective definition of the situation, which organizes social events and conducts them, and our participation in them. Framework is, for example, a contract that is Ťteraz bawimyť or Ťchodzimy the Sobat, or tto is meeting interesachť. Each of these expressions of social situations or social determines what your situation is right and what is not, what falls and what not, what to pay attention, and on what - no, in short: what is the current reality and what is not "(1999: 199). So the framework is also run joint schemes, which provide reference points, common perspectives, allow easy role to play in harmony with others. gaffes or misunderstandings often arise from the mobilization of the participants in the situation of different frameworks that define the situation differently. And jokes are based on the surprising change in the framework.
included in the NLP framework are rather from the standpoint of individual experience, not social, and relate to the way in which we give to things, events of importance. "The significance of each event depends on the framework in which it was placed. If you change the frame, change the meaning. When you change the meaning, the same will happen to the reactions and behaviors. The ability to make changes to the framework gives us more freedom of choice" (O'Connor, Seymour 1996: 154). Frame (or frame) can be understood as the context in which that event occurs, and which affect the significance of this event for us.
change framework - to change the meaning of something (events, speech, behavior, etc.), find a different interpretation, or see something in a different light - defines in NLP as przeramowanie. This term refers, first, to change the context of the event (usually the place or time) to change its meaning, its assessment .. An example might be to change the assessment for the same conduct, depending on the context in which it is - almost all behavior is somewhere useful (such as deposition of the later is a good strategy if you will apply, for example, reach for the first cigarette of the day). An interesting way to reframe issues to be recognized in the context of the different dimensions of time, such as the current effort, the difficulties and sacrifices gain different meaning when we see it in the context of long-term goals and future benefits. Appeals to the past will make it possible to look at the problem differently when we realize that similar issues bothering us a year ago no longer exist or had time to forget them.
Secondly, przeramowanie may relate to the content (content) of the situation and rely on changing its meaning, or the granting of a new meaning. Celebrity has become the answer of a general in the Civil War, who alleged that fled from the battlefield, he replied that it was not escape, but dealing with the top upatrzonych position.
Taking into account the various aspects of the experience or situation, influence on their importance. Tedious, because it involved a lot of time commuting to work can become an opportunity for reading, learning, meeting people, meditation, relaxation, etc. Meeting with difficult clients is an opportunity to practice skills for dealing with complaints and explore ways to improve the quality of service. We have freedom of choice of meanings, in such a way as to be for us to reinforce rather than reduce, rather than incentives or disincentives, instead of nasty fun, etc.
advertising messages are an example of creating new meanings. These communications desired (by the creators of advertising) activities suitable for consumer set, positive meaning. For example, drinking coffee that means you're sexy, buying the product means that you care about your family, eating the fruit means that you are intelligent.
Przeramowanie, which is caused by a change in the importance of context and content, leading to changes in behavior, control our moods, improve relationships with others, creative problem-solving, to notice the new choice. Przeramowanie problem can make is simply disappear, change (eg, taking the form of an effect, not a cause, which allows to determine its origin), or will see new solutions. Is a way to break the line of thinking, to break old habits, start the process of creative thinking.
In conclusion, we are creating the choice of accepting different points of view, because the different points of view on the phenomenon alter the meaning of his broadcast. And our behavior depends on the meanings we give to situations and events.
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Maciuszek, 04/07/2002
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