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In 1561, King Charles IX decided to offer lilies to the ladies of the court as a lucky charm. With this royal act, the tradition was born as the inhabitants of the palace and the farmers have also chosen to offer their entourage. Thrush, also called lily of the valley is planted in Europe since the Middle Ages. Indeed, the plant is of Japanese bells. The Celts considered it "lucky."
Beyond European beliefs, thrush has always symbolized spring and good weather. The pretty flower that smells and bells protects those we love, and to whom it was offered, until next May 1. The plant is also associated with romance. It is known that the flowers of thrush, which are white in spring, are red in summer. This is a sign of freshness and innocence, spring is synonymous with rebirth and love emerging.
Thus, in Europe, the time of flowering, were organized the "balls of thrush. Young girls dressed in white married to go to meet young single men. These embellished a bit of thrush on their lapel. Young had, what we call today " permission to midnight "and played with the beginnings of fine weather. Before the offer, know that it is better to pick lilies at their stems as the snatch with their roots would prevent the plant to flower the following year.
Photos: Muguets giant in my garden
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