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Crossing the barrier of not-possible!
Miroslaw Chlebowska
happens that sometimes you look at someone who has achieved success in some field. Such success, of which you dream and you too long. And if does not happen so that when you think about it, right there is a belief in you, some kind of inner experience, which inhibits you in these dreams? It is as if an inner voice saying, "No, I'm not such a man. I have no such predisposition, capacity. I can not. It's impossible for me. "
This is something that often inhibits people before the first effective step towards achieving this goal. As if the give up already in your tracks. And yet, every path begins with the first step. And often is, and that even if you take this trial, though in a revolt will, on the way soon become discouraged because they lack motivation, belief in the fact that they have the appropriate skills and a strong belief that it is possible for them. I give up the dream, even if it is a lean athletic figure, to earn more money, a life that they dream of, abandon New Year's provisions, because they think, mistakenly, that they are too weak for this, would they just did it. And since this has been one man ...
Have you noticed that most successful has its origins in the mind of man? In this, what he has beliefs about themselves and about what is at all possible, including how much can be motivated to act and how it is determined to achieve this dream about?
examples to prove this, we can easily find in various areas of our lives, even in sports. Continues to be cited not only spectacular, but also a quick way to make them aware you what it means to people and changing beliefs beyond a certain kind of psychological barrier, so that the impossible becomes possible.
When in May 1954 Roger Bannister stood at the start of the race at 1 mile distance, the best brains of the time academic proven record in research conducted by myself, that man can not run that distance in less than 4 minutes. And no one to this day have not reached.
very idea of \u200b\u200bsuch amazing opportunities to work on the imagination of millions of fans, but in people's minds, then the limit was not exceeded. Lietzke professor from the U.S. presented the scientific evidence that the defeat of a mile needed a minimum of 4 minutes, and even some scientists have suggested that the human body is so constructed that forcing him to such an effort would make a man explode.
So the day on which he stood at the start of Roger ... It was a bad day for competition. Since this morning it was raining and the pavement was very slippery. Strong wind was blowing, and in addition excited Bannister made a false start on the first try. But when I went a second time, he ran like crazy, all the time yelling at his hares: "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry up! "When I reached the finish line, he threw himself on the tape and fell unconscious.
sensational and unreliable information quickly spread around the world: Roger Bannister ran 3.59,4 mile time! Commotion lasted .... a few weeks. So short? - Be surprised. Well, yes, so short, because ... Here are just starting a real sensation. For hundreds of years ago nobody believed in that possibility. Limiting belief, for all certainty, it was like a self-fulfilling prophecy. But when one man has made of what others thought impossible, suddenly began to "fall" further records! Already 45 days later, the biggest competitor Bannister, John Landy, ran 1 mile distance in time 3.57,9! And then the records began to fall one after another. And the more people undertook what was once impossible, the faster the record-holders were coming. Overcoming the psychological barrier made it impossible became possible!
And how many times you been thinking that something is absolutely impossible for you?
decide about success among other skills. Do not learn to speak fluently in English one day, if you've never learned this language. I do not earn a world championship in ski jumping, if you never had wearing skis. But this is only one element of success. As if this shallow layer, which have consciously access. And if you look deeper, you will see that in your mind lie untapped resources that can significantly help you achieve success. Because success is not just skills.
What do you think? What happens when, for example, tennis player tosses up a ball, absolutely sure that this will impact his life? His whole body pattern clearly remembers a great impact. Mind focused on this one sequence, and the tensions muscles, adjust the speed and all those elements which are controlled on the unconscious level. Mind is clear of any other thoughts. As if in a trance.
And what happens when the last second, just before the missile hit tennis players have gotten the idea that the ball hit the net? Yes. His mind immediately executes the command, sending impulses to obey the whole body, every nerve and muscle. Changing muscle tension, changes their layout, change the speed of breath and the angle of impact. And these changes are almost imperceptible to an outsider, perceived for all effects. The ball lands in the grid.
I. .. if you already know that our every action, from seduction, to interact with people, dealing with problems, the effective yield successful behavior in the business world, are determined by the state of your mind and depend on him?
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Crossing the barrier of not-possible!
NLP Hawaii
Tags: neurolinguistic programming