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Psycholologia opportunities
Andrzej Batko
Finally! Great news: The U.S. "official" psychology takes note of what is wrong with people on what is in order. After 30 years of NLP, a revolutionary in the 70s consisted of, among other things, that instead of dealing with description of pathology or disorder and dysfunction, and seeking explanation as to why they occur, the interest has been people who have functioned well and coped well with difficult situations.
Recently, the American psychologist Martin EP Seligman, "discovered" that in psychology wrongly attaches importance to find the problem and solve it rather than learn about human strengths. Alison Stein Wellner journalist of "Psychology Today" has used the phrase "announced the formation of new school of psychology, who will seek the understanding and development of human strength! One can only congratulate the "discoverer" of well-being and broad horizons. The professor noticed something about what is being said and what is being done for 30 years at his side. Though not in the universities - which confirms my theory about the latter.
From time to time someone asks me why NLP is not widely taught in universities. Reflecting on this, I conclude that the answer is obvious. Universities "discover" a branch of knowledge only when it is already quite leciwa because it takes years to it obtained the "legal" status. I remember myself how in the late 70's and 80 studied the "new" approach to psychotherapy such as Gestalt, TA (years 60te). It is logical that it is now time for NLP-30 years have passed and you finally did "discover" because most people already know! This opens an interesting perspective, for example, you can go to the U.S. and announce "I have discovered a new continent. I call it America!"
would like to address here some aspect of the site, which seems to me to be interesting.
I fully agree with Seligman's view that psychology deals with the selective ignoring the restrictions and pathology of human power and achievement. At least in most cases. I quote him here, that in the past 30 years, many articles in the psychological 54,040, where the key word was the word "depression", 41 416 with the word "fear", but only 415 contain the word "joy"! Of course, this does not mean that similar proportions occur in life-it means only that they had interest psychologists. But is it only? Consider, for what we pay attention. Do you happen to see more such opportunities, that surround us and the wealth that surrounds us, or limitations and problems. Whether and how does this affect how we live and how we operate?
sometimes comes into contact with people, mostly in the course of my NLP training, who use their own mind in a way that I define for their own use as a "crime of perception." These people, once aware of the potency of the NLP, first start thinking about how one could abuse this power.
"And what will happen when the criminals, thieves, pedophiles or politicians learn this?" "But you can with the help of this exploit and harm people ..." "Of course I'd not used it so, but those criminals ..."
On the other hand, fortunately, we are often dealing with individuals who are experiencing a similar situation in the feelings of awe and fascination, and their questions concern the possibility of using NLP for therapy, problem solving human and humanity. It is obvious to them what to do with this new instrument they met. Use it to make a positive contribution to their lives and other people. And now here we are dealing with a instinctive psychology, opportunities. " The human mind can do it! (Oh, I discovered!)
One of the few areas that are interested in software that works well, talents, successes, remarkable achievements and possibilities of the Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP. This begs me to be here for a password like "Psychology of opportunity", which is not so much a new school in psychology, as another way of seeing and treating the world and other people, your mind and yourself. Method, which focuses on perceiving opportunities, potential and seeking ways to meet the impossible ... so far.
At the end I want to share some combination, which has led me some time ago.
once I got a gift from a girl in whose veins flowed the blood of Ojibwa Indians of something called the "dream catcher" that dream catcher. It was a wooden wheel, which was stretched straps intertwined with a network of irregular meshes. On the fixed network were colored feathers and beads. The device had the word hang in the bedroom window (or the entrance to the wigwam.) Ojibwa Indians believe that the evening air begins to float dreams, dreams, good and bad. When fly into the window to the bedroom have to fly over the catcher of dreams. Good dreams fly with ease while the bad dreams stop at rzemykach, piórkach and beads, and became there until dawn. Good dreams to reach the man and the dream, and bad dreams are trapped in the trap of dreams, and with the advent of the dawn turn into nothingness.
is the perfect metaphor for what is and what it may be NLP - filter ideas and information. NLP is the human mind actually catch the ideas, information and experiences that form a positive, stimulating picture of the world, help create powerful beliefs about their abilities and sow the gleam in her eye, thereby improving the quality of life to the next level and enabling the realization of dreams.
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Psycholologia opportunities
NLP Hawaii
Tags: neurolinguistic programming
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