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________________________________________ Using techniques NLP to resolve conflicts
Dr. Joseph Maciuszek
What is NLP
NLP as a discipline engaged in discovering practical skills, patterns, techniques and strategies for achieving effectiveness in thinking, acting, the quality of life, expanding choice . Discipline is the essence of which is defined as the study of human excellence. The emergence of NLP involves the adoption by the two researchers analyzes the strategies and techniques used by our therapists, capable of extraordinary results. Z Over time, the object of analysis have become outstanding individuals from various fields of activity - the creators of artistic, speakers, vendors, athletes, businessmen. The process of discovering the rules applied in the field by prominent individuals, their actions and thinking patterns is called modeling. Modeling is the basis of discoveries of NLP. Below
selected techniques and patterns of action formulated in the context of NLP, which can be used for the topic of conflicts in the context of the sales department manager.
What are the conflicts
begin with a brief characterization of the nature of conflicts. This is important, because without taking into account a few basic truths about the conflict difficult to deal with it effectively. Conflict is a relationship in which the exchange takes place between its negative impacts the participants, and often feel threatened interests. The conflict may be played out between individuals, between groups (eg, union and company executives), the nations. Interpersonal Conflict can be defined as a relationship between two interdependent parties that feed feelings of resentment towards each other (hostile), and blaming each other for the existing state of things.
There are several elements which can be determined as conditions of the potential for conflicts, that is, when we deal with conflict, it certainly accompany the following elements:
first differences between the parties
second negative emotions
third convinced of his own wrong
4th blaming the other for the situation.
So, firstly, the conflict has been associated with differences (conflict) between the parties. These differences usually relate to:
- the interests, needs,
- goals,
- views and values,
- tastes and habits (eg the situation where the muddler living or working with the perfectionist in matters of public policy, or the inveterate smoker with a person not abolishing tobacco smoke)
Second, conflict is usually accompanied by negative emotions such as anger, hostility, resentment, disappointment, pain, feeling of being stricken, grief , prejudice, etc.
Thirdly, usually a person embroiled in the conflict honestly believes that she is right, is convinced that the other party is wrong, or does not have to do something right, or its claims are not justified (as opposed to their own reason), etc. Needless to say that this belief is mutual - The other party is also confident his case.
Fourth blaming the other for the situation. This is a common phenomenon in the case of conflict - when you talk to a person implicated in long-term conflict and hear about the history and the reasons for this conflict, they will learn a lot about the wines of the other party. If you turn your opponent spoke with the caller, poznałbyś another version of the history of the conflict and usłyszałbyś of wine first.
conflict, both individual and group, often plays out in terms of its subject, on several levels and it is hindering its resolution. Well, in the conflict, we can distinguish:
first Primary, or essential subject of the dispute - the parties have to meet defined and objectively existing targets, which lie at the basis of different interests and needs, and the parties adopt different positions. For example, the sales department is interested in, so the client can receive the goods within convenient for him, which leads to pressure to extend the work and zostawania store employees after hours. The difference between the positions of employees of those departments associated with different aims, interests both sides.
second The conflict is not a mere difference of opinion, but includes aspects of emotional, at their base are personal needs, such as power, affiliation, justice, recognition or acceptance. Let's say that the head of the employee misconstrued, leading to conflict between them. In this dispute is not just a difference of views on the quality of work subordinate, but also about the emotional needs of vulnerable workers, for example, such as: the need for fair treatment and to maintain a positive image. The emotional aspect of the dispute makes it a logical persuasion less effective in changing others' minds.
third Apart from the merits of the dispute (if it has an objective to achieve existing targets) in the conflict can reveal a hidden object of the dispute about the nature of emotion. Returning to the example of the conflict of the sales person with the staff magazine. Imagine that the suggestion to extend the working time, people reacted with strong emotions magazine, criticizing the various fields of work the sales department, including those not associated with the disclosed problem. Why did such a reaction, disproportionate to the seriousness of the problem? This may involve a confusion between the essential and hidden in dispute.
essential issue is associated with different aims of both parties: the client to maintain and care for their satisfaction (target sales department employee) and be able to settle the matter scheduled immediately after the normal working day (business warehouse worker). Hidden issue may in turn rely on the fact that the expectation of extending the work is received by the warehouse workers such as a request rather than a request, as a sign of arrogance and the validity of "others", as a violation of their sense of validity, etc. They may consider that it happens it too often. And although so far not been of the magazine protests, or even attempts to talk about this, but this dissatisfaction is accumulated, and now comes to the explosion of negative emotion. A strong outburst of anger accumulated and held back can then be completely disproportionate to the size of this particular expectations. So it may happen that a less important issue becomes a matter related to the inconvenience of being "after hours", and more important to demonstrate that "do not allow ourselves to be so treated"
source of the article:
use NLP techniques to solve conflicts
NLP Hawaii
Tags: neurolinguistic programming
See also:
Films with hypnosis