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Let's go back to the beginnings of NLP in Poland - which have raised doubts in 1999. Some have survived to this day.
manipulation or persuasion
Lebeck Magda talks with Andrew salad, a specialist in the field of neurolinguistic programming - NLP
Advertising Film Festival in Cracow, and ads sometimes an opportunity to ask questions that go beyond the immediate problems of the environment.
year ago at this festival presents an experiment in the field of subliminal persuasion (subliminal), which was to prove that the image of "smuggled" using single frames are embedded in a neutral video transfer does not affect us significantly.
Andrzej Batko: Once many years ago developed in the U.S. this experiment, the best result, What has been achieved for example by displaying subliminal Coke was to induce the viewer desires. But in no way managed to make it just will meet the Coca-Cola, and not iced tea or juice. But it is only so much that this particular technique is clumsy.
- I understand that NLP has its own theory of the subconscious ...
- Very simple. Awareness is the area of \u200b\u200bmind to which we can access up to date. The subconscious stores all called. programs, all well-mastered skills. When learn a language at some stage we have to wonder what words to use, how to make a meaningful whole, and it is conscious competence. Once the appropriate wording just appears by itself, automatically - we enter the realm of the subconscious. It is the oldest part of the mind developmentally primitive brain called the old, which also transforms language. She does not tolerate, do not understand - denial, conditional modes. (Here is a classic example of what we see through the eyes of imagination to hear - please do not imagine a pink elephant!)
- As far as I know the U.S. law concerning the operation of the unconscious realm is quite strict. Mr. practiced for years in Canada.
- Funny, they never defined what is the effect on the subconscious mind - because it is indefinable. Any teacher who tells vividly evokes in the minds of children's art images - changing their state of consciousness, so in some ways to induce trance. Anyone who tells a child a fairy tale evening to sleep using the right tone - in fact, hypnotized them.
It's part of natural human communication, so what's delegalizować?
In Canada, there are no living regulations in this regard. I do not think this existed in the U.S., may come to the incorporation of film frames is prohibited. If anyone wants to take care of it, should not focus on whether legal action is unconscious, but the target. Shall be punished with negative results that have hurt people, and not something that is still widely used. And besides, just call it differently. When in the 50s California banned the practice of hypnosis for therapeutic practitioners began to define it as "unconscious Przeprocesowywaniem" - And be able to continue doing so. So there are certain laws and rights nieregulowalne phenomenon.
- I want to share with you concerns, but what I say may seem inappropriate, at this point - at the advertising festival. Well, I came into contact with NLP as a therapeutic method. I know that has developed through observation and modeling behavior of the best and most effective therapists. Mindful of these sources and the fact that psychology is a field, after all, who serve on the self-discovery, and counseling, watching with concern the increasing phenomenon of reducing this knowledge to a purely kemercyjnego.
- moved by Mrs. problem, which is my horse. The traditional psychology of the NLP, mino, she was appointed to those to serve the people for therapeutic purposes rarely gave results. After visiting the psuchoanalityków can last for years - hence the paradox of psychoanalysts earn the more they are less effective .. And now I will tell the curious from the position of the person who for 13 years he has NLP. you see, based on negotiation techniques, and sales now created an interesting new therapeutic methods - Neuro, which, for example, allow you to immediately get rid of phobias.
These same tools are used towards his patient's psychologist, the parent of a child. The same instruments are used for the preacher, to attract the faithful to certain values, politicians to ignite people to an idea. Here comes back the perennial question: whether the knife is good or bad?
- In an unusually open, I would say shockingly niezakłamany, you have used (I think of trainers) - the word manipulation is still a precondition for many pejorative.
- Manipulation - reaching out to the Greek etymology means the movement of various elements relative to each other. So the influence to change their system. Parents manipulate children in order to got rid of certain habits, assimilated other sow their values, make belief. They do this, teachers, politicians, advertising people, psychologists. Of course, manipulation is sometimes used for evil - they were brilliant manipulators Goebbels and Hitler. I know that there are particularly sensitive to the environment is the word. I use the other - do not care about this to convince these people to manipulate, but to an idea. However, among professionals - run workshops for psychotherapists, physicians, vendors, marketing and advertising people - I see no reason to beat around the bush thing. They are professional manipulation, and I'm a craftsman, who speaks about the tools. Festival of the ad is the last place where you can discuss whether it is ugly to handle.
- As the growing group of insiders - experts in manipulation, the natural thing is the emergence of some counterattacks. There are nascent signs of protection against a similar motion control. I know psychologists who want to take up learning how to not give up acquire, assertiveness training are numerous. That objective is widespread availability of such books as position Cialdiniego already classic "Exerting influence on the people" ...
- ... which is just brilliant textbook to influence others.
- But while learning what the "mechanism of reciprocity," or rule "low ball" - to guard against abuse.
- indeed some banter with you. Generally also begin to introduce an important distinction. The manipulation can be say if I do something with a view to the good lady, so just to get some benefit for themselves. persuasion and the use of such tools is to create a situation in which we both win. As a seller, (because I worked a lot in life by selling goods and services) use neurolingwistycznych skills in order to influence the customer and help him decide who will be good for me and for him. Sometimes I care about this would not have bought my service right now because they believe in so-called. "New economy", which is based on building long-term customer relationships. Often I discouraged people to participate in very expensive - too expensive for them at this time - courses that lead. But from experience I know that in due time, when they will be able to afford it and actually start to this very need to present themselves to me.
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manipulation or persuasion?
NLP Hawaii
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